Re: [7.8.2002 44916] Notice of Copyright Infringement

From: Vicne (vdhat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 02:57:00 PDT

  • Next message: vodkaat_private: "Re: [7.8.2002 44916] Notice of Copyright Infringement"

    Yea, but then it would be a lesser offence no?  I'm not to familiar with
    the DMCA, or law for that matter, but wouldn't a simple name trademark
    violation be less then a DMCA violation?
    I don't think it would be to hard to catch people, it just takes a p2p
    client and a simple search for their titles, then just write down the ip
    addresses and report them.
    But I am curious now, would they be able to build a case without
    validating that the content is actually theirs, not just the name?
    On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 05:41, vodkaat_private wrote:
    > Vicne said:
    > > That could be porn you were hiding from your parents, so you renamed it
    > > to movies they hate, so they wouldn't look at it.
    > If that was the case...
    > You're still using their copyrighted movie titles on your porn and
    > distributing them as property of those movie companies.
    > It's kinda like me taking bottles of water and putting "Coca Cola" labels on
    > them, and giving them out for free.
    > I wonder how the MPAA is catching people though.  Do they have like p2p
    > spider bots or something?

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