PHP : eval() ?

From: frog frog (leseulfrogat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 13:32:27 PDT

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    Hi :)
    I'v try to use eval() function to inject bad PHP code.
    Then I've made this file (script.php):
    $evalue = "echo \" test $nickname \";";
    I've write in my webbrowser :
    The server replace " by \", then I was thinking that the value of $evalue 
    will be :
    echo \" test test\";system(\$cmd);echo \"hop \";
    and then that the eval() function execute the 3 lines.
    But no !
    The script execute this :
    echo "test test \";system(\ls);echo \"hop ";
    Is it possible to inject bad php code with this php file ? How can I do ?
    If it is not possible, can I've an example of a bad using of the eval() 
    function ?
    Thank you
    Sorry for my poor english

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