Dave Barry on network security policies

From: Richard Masoner (richardmasonerat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 13:06:13 PDT

  • Next message: Klaus-J. Wolf: "Re: Vulnerability found: Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader and Content Server"

    [Dave Barry is a popular humor columnist in the United
    States.  He does a fairly good job of grokking
    computer and Internet issues.]
    "Spam beats cafeteria food" 7/14/2002
    "The newspaper I work for, The Miami Herald, is owned
    by a large corporation that has a strict
    computer-password policy administered by people who
    were kicked out of the Nazi party for being too anal
    retentive. This policy requires us employees to
    constantly change our passwords, to prevent you
    outsiders from breaking into our computer system and
    reading our internal communications."
    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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