Re: qmailadmin SUID buffer overflow

From: Kurt Seifried (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 01:49:06 PDT

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "[Fwd: In regards to ...]"

    From: "Thomas Cannon" <tcannonat_private>
    >     tmpstr = getenv(QMAILADMIN_TEMPLATEDIR);
    This affects up to and including 1.0.2 (the latest version).
        tmpstr = getenv(QMAILADMIN_TEMPLATEDIR);
        if (tmpstr == NULL ) tmpstr = HTMLLIBDIR;
    occurs three times (twice in util.c, once in templates.c).
    I'd advise simply hardcoding the string to a certain directory (if needed)
    for now or commenting it out).
    Judging by the general (lack of) code quality I really wouldn't recommend
    this CGI unless you make sure it's password protected to trusted
    administrators via the web and not executable locally (which can be
    difficult if you have interactive shell users).
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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