Re: ssh trojaned

From: Alex Lambert (alambertat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 09:38:53 PDT

  • Next message: Nick Lange: "Re: In regards to the insecurity of AOL Instant Messenger"

    > >> iirc, the trojaned version of epic was served to specific ip ranges
    > > I assume you mean BitchX, epic has never been trojaned.
    > It was IRSSI that has been trojaned, not BitchX.
    It was both.
    "There is something very strange going on with the
       FTP server on In some cases, it serves up the trojaned
       version; in others, the original, safe version.
       This indicates that someone has (at least) also tampered with the FTP
       server software itself; most likely the server has been rooted. We
       have reported this issue to BitchX developers, and they are
       investigating. In the meantime, we suggest everyone should treat
       anything downloaded from the server with extreme
    Hope this clears things up ;)

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