Re: SQL Command Insertion & Execution in Visual FoxPro

From: Franklin DeMatto (franklin.listsat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 14:15:07 PDT

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    I'm realizing now that it would need to be done with one of the functions 
    that foxpro allows through odbc
    This means no commands, and only certain functions
    Does anyone have a way?  I can't find any funcs that are useful
    Is there a way to insert a second command in the same statement (like with 
    ; in SQL Server)?
    This would allow using the DO command, which is supported by ODBC
    At 02:01 PM 8/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
    >Shell commands can be executed through insertion in a Jet Database through 
    >|shell("cmd...:)| and in SQL Server through xp_cmdshell
    >Can they be done in Visual FoxPro?  How?
    Franklin DeMatto
    Senior  Analyst, qDefense Penetration Testing
    qDefense: Making Security Accessible

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