Re: Secure Yahoo logins

From: Roland Postle (mailat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 16:47:34 PDT

  • Next message: John Madden: "Re: Secure Yahoo logins"

    The password is hashed with a nonce (a random, one use, string called
    challenge). Here's the javascript straight from the login page:
          var passwd = form.passwd.value;
          var hash1 = MD5(form.passwd.value);
          var challenge = form[".challenge"].value;
          var hash2 = MD5(form.passwd.value) + challenge;
          var hash;
          } else {
    And the challenge is quite long,
    <input type=hidden name=".challenge"
    value="zpUHXfMLl._2u4tfNw8fBdAKYtkM" >
    Thus even if you can watch the traffic both ways you can only break the
    password by doing some kind of brute force dictionary search. That
    would probably show up a few insecure passwords (if you have a largish
    company), but that's not really the fault of the login procedure.
    > My other question is if the passwords are encrypted why do they offer a secure login 
    > option? How does that increase security, other than adding a brief ssl session.
    Because it encrypts your username too? Honestly I don't know. Most
    browsers apply stricter security to secure pages, ie they won't be
    cached locally etc... That could be it. The passwords coulnd't be brute
    forced locally either.
    - Blazde

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