Help with a Clariion 4500 (aka dell fc450) raid array

From: bad bob (sfmc68at_private)
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 15:45:40 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Moss: "Call For Papers Announcement: Black Hat Windows Security"

    Attempting to recover from a helpful person who seems to have caused the 
    clariion to be some kind of
    lump of metal - none of the drives are visible - running the management 
    tool for the box does not seem to
    provide the command capability to help it recover.
    My thoughts were that the serial console port may be a path to find out 
    what is going on in the box.
    So far, I have been able to occaisionally see the system status as it 
    boots but I have not been able
    to get the box to respond on the console side.
    Now, why am I asking here?  This is a slightly different box than the 
    usual EMC.  What I am interested in,
    is whether or not one can get to the data, via cache or other means, on 
    one of these boxes. how you could
    cause a denial of service (seem to have accomplished that), and how you 
    can recover from a DoS if it does
    happen.  As more and more folks stand up EMC boxes to store data, what 
    do we know about them>
    bad bob

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