Re: Covert Channels

From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 15:46:48 PDT

  • Next message: Cade Cairns: "RE: Covert Channels"

    On 23 Oct 2002, Frank Knobbe wrote:
    > As you said, a covert channel is comprised of valid data. But, doesn't
    > that valid data have some properties that could characterize it as a
    > possible covert channel?
    > I think it was Jose who used the example of a rogue broker accessing
    > websites in a certain order. While valid traffic, shouldn't it be
    > possible to detect that behavior?
    Do you know what's the correct order a person should view websites in?=)
    No, it's pretty much impossible to detect a good channel like this. When
    you try to go too far and build a model of how user is supposed to behave,
      - you get more false positives, because users of course aren't
        computer programs and do not follow your expectations precisely,
      - the attacker has to get closer to mimicking a real user, which may
        decrease his effective bandwith, since the format has to be more
        strict and communication has to occur less often to remain
    > Not on first occurrence of course, such a covert channel detector would
    > have to watch traffic for a while.
    Not really. If there are serious amounts of data being transferred day and
    night, yes. But if it's just a small amount of data sent every two-three
    days by visiting, and clicking on several
    subpages - how can you tell the backdoor, and not the user, is visiting
    this page from time to time and sending few bytes - such as a new password
    captured with the sniffer? You may say "because those requests would
    differ from what Netscape launched by an user does" - but they do not have
    to be...
    ------------------------- bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --
     Michal Zalewski * []
        Did you know that clones never use mirrors?
    --------------------------- 2002-10-23 18:41 --

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