Re: Covert Channels

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 10:46:40 PDT

  • Next message: Roland Postle: "Re: Covert Channels"

    Richard Masoner  wrote:
    >Part of covert channel detection, for example, might
    >be flagging a user who copies text from an X window
    >and pastes that text into an X window that's at a
    >lower privilege level.
    I wouldn't call that a covert channel; I'd call that an overt channel.
    It's just a violation of an information flow style mandatory access
    control policy, and not all such violations are covert channels.
    (Now if you described a Trojan horse X app leaking text to another program
    on the same machine by banging hard on the X server with lots of requests
    for a second to send a 1 bit or going idle for a second to send a 0 bit,
    that would indeed be a covert channel.  Trying to stop the latter example
    is probably futile.)

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