Re: "download" caps

From: Luis Bruno (lbrunoat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 14:27:51 PST

  • Next message: Liudvikas Bukys: "Re: looking for recursion stack overflow exploit"

    J Edgar Hoover wrote:
    > I'm wondering  if you  could effectively  DoS a  capped account  for a
    > month by sending a lot of unrequested data.
    Speaking from the  point of view of a portuguese  cable modem user, yes.
    In the customer support section  of the cable company's website, there's
    a web  page which  displays each consumer's  modem[1] readings;  I don't
    think this dumb brick[2] distinguishes requested from unrequested data.
    It wouldn't  be a DoS, however;  no sane company would  impose a monthly
    hard limit on *my* pr0n surfing  habits.[3] You'd be landing the hapless
    chap on the other end of the link in a very ugly position. He would have
    to prove the data was unrequested.
    Luis Bruno
    [1]: Which is a bridge, or a very dumb routing device.
    [2]: RCA/Thompson DCM235.
    [3]: They'd just charge you obscene amounts of money for every byte over
         the limit.

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