Query: BID 6273: PortailPhp SQL Injection Vulnerability.

From: Vinay A. Mahadik (VMahadikat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 16:44:44 PST

  • Next message: xa6 at g-Con: "ASM OpenBSD"

    (Posting on vuln-dev too since this has a generic PHP-MySQL SQL 
    Injection Vuln question as well).
    I was working on this vulnerability. I came across the following 
    advisory on SecurityFocus-BugTraq:
    I find that Php's mysql_query() only allows one SQL query per call. This 
    makes the above vuln non-exploitive, I think.
    If not, I would like to know how to inject some SQL content between 
    "LIKE '%" and "%'" (without the " s) and get some meaningful/useful 
    response from the server through the mysql_query() query. I have tried 
    the usual injections, and only get an error from anything that splits 
    the above with semicolons.

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