Re: Detecting abnormal behaviour

From: Martin Mačok (martin.macokat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 04:41:45 PST

  • Next message: Adam Gilmore: "RE: library/executable image"

    On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 05:20:47PM -0500, Jose Nazario wrote:
    > have a look at systrace. you can block or log with pass arbitrary syscalls
    > tied to program names.
    > for reference, various people have looked at the idea of tracking syscall
    > paths as a method to detect anomalies. systrace is currently stateless,
    > but with some work it could be made stateful. its just hard to express a
    > directed graph of syscalls.
    Or try subterfugue:
    It uses ptrace(2) to do the job and it's written (mostly) in Python.
    It is a framework for syscall tracking modules (Tricks) which can be
    written in Python in a very simple way (a class with callbefore(pid,
    call, args...) and callafter(pid, call, args) methods). More Tricks can
    be load at a time and work in FI-FO order around syscalls (LI-FO). It
    can do anything with it's args or with the result of the call
    (including killing it of course and (experimental?) support for
    syscall inserting and restarting syscalls).
    Works in Linux 2.2.x and 2.4.x (better), Python 2.1 and lower (Debian
    has 2.2+ port?)
    Written by Mike Coleman and Pavel Machek. It's free (GPL).
    For more, see:
    I have made stateful tracking Trick to subterfugue recently.
    It's in current CVS, not much tested and whole subterfugue itself
    seems a bit experimental still (and has some unresolved issues), but
    for some tasks seems to work pretty good.
    StateTrick provides different syscall restrictions/environment in
    different parts of the process execution history. Those parts (states)
    are defined through stateful automaton working with (syscall,args). It
    can also load other Tricks and enable them in different states. It's
    currently not much documented and well tested, but can be downloaded
    from current CVS.
    $ sf -h -t State
    This is subterfugue.  It is used to play various specified tricks on a command.
    usage: sf [OPTIONS]... [<COMMAND> [<COMMAND-OPTIONS>...]]
    -t, --trick=TRICK[:OPTIONS]     use TRICK with OPTIONS
    -o, --output=FILE               direct sf output to FILE
    -o, --output=N                  direct sf output to file descriptor N
    -d, --debug                     show debugging output
    -n, --failnice                  allow kids to live on if sf aborts
    -h, --help                      output help, including for TRICKs, and exit
    -V, --version                   output version information and exit
    --waitchannelhack               enable kludge (required for unpatched
    --slowmainloop                  disable fast C loop (for debugging)
    --nowall                        run w/o wait __WALL flag (bogus 2.2 support)
            StateTrick can change program's execution restrictions dynamically
            according to program's execution history. It can also load other tricks
            and disable/enable them at runtime. When program calls syscall that
            is not allowed in current state, it is killed and the state and
            call(args) are reported.
                config = filename       ... state machine configuration file
                verbose = <n>           ... verbosity, default = 0
                $ sf -t State:'config = State.conf' naughty_app
            Configuration file syntax: <mandatory> [voluntary]
            # comment
            IGNORE <syscall_name> [<syscall_name2> [...]]
            WATCH <syscall_name> [<syscall_name2> [...]]
            DEFINE <trick_name> <trick>
            STATE <state_name>
            TRICKS <trick_name> [<trick_name2> [...]]
            <syscall_name>([args]) [-> <new_state_name> [-> <fork_child_state>]]
            Configuration file example:
            # define Tricks
            DEFINE TRACE Trace
            DEFINE TRACEFS Trace:call=["open", "close", "read", "fstat64"]
            DEFINE COUNT Count
            # ignore those calls (allowed, won't change states)
            # IGNORE brk fstat64
            # define state, 'START' is implicit
            STATE START
            # those tricks will be enabled (active) in this state
            # define calls allowed in this state
            # regexp ([a-z] works), but '*' means '[^/]*' and '.' means '\.'
            # munmap will change program's state to state 'FORKING'
            munmap() -> FORKING
            # other syscalls than those defined above are not allowed in START
            # (IGNORED and not WATCHED are allowed too)
            # define new state, no tricks enabled here
            STATE FORKING
            # parent will go to state FORKED, child goes to state CHILD
            fork() -> FORKED -> CHILD
            STATE FORKED
            munmap() -> FINISH
            STATE CHILD
            TRICKS TRACEFS
            munmap() -> FINISH
            STATE FINISH
            TODO: more documentation
             Martin Mačok       

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