Generating Hex Numbers to brute force rs_iis.c

From: Jeremy Junginger (jjat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 07:14:49 PST

  • Next message: Jeremy Junginger: "WebDAV and SMB?!?"

    Hey guys,
    In playing with rs_iis.c (ntdll exploit) in our lab, I've been looking
    for ways to brute force the return address.
    I know there's been a shell script ( released that already
    does this, but since I've been playing with PERL lately (and since this
    shell script did not exist when I began playing with the exploit), I
    thought I'd take a whack at producing the RET addresses (0x0000-0xffff)
    in a PERL script.  I just wanted to get your input and see if there is
    and easier way to do this (using PERL, of course).  Basically, the goal
    is as follows:
    1) generate Hex Numbers from 0x0000 to 0xffff in the following pattern
    (0x0000 0x0101 0x0202...0xfdfd 0xfefe 0xffff)
    2) pass the output to rs_iis via system() command?
    So far, I can generate the output and print it to stdout.  Any tips on
    getting the script to run rs_iis once with each address produced by the
    script?  Also, is there a way to produce this output without creating an
    array like this?
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    @HexD =
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i += 1) {
            printf("$HexD[int($i / 16)]$HexD[$i % 16]", $i);
            printf("$HexD[int($i / 16)]$HexD[$i % 16]\n", $i);
    Many thanks,

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