RE: IkonBoard v3.1.1: arbitrary command execution

From: Adam Gilmore (vulnat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 13:48:50 PST

  • Next message: Roland Postle: "Re: Sendmail's prescan exploit thoughts"

    Sorry guys, I managed to work out a way around this and have managed to
    code a working POC that can execute arbitrary perl, if you want some
    info on the method I use, then send me an email and I'll let you know
    about it.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Adam Gilmore [mailto:vulnat_private] 
    Sent: Thursday, 3 April 2003 8:43 PM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: RE: IkonBoard v3.1.1: arbitrary command execution
    I can't work out any way to possibly exploit this vulnerability. To
    bypass the directory check, you can use the poisoned null byte, but
    then, you are limited to doing a require on a directory (see code)
    my $code = 'require '. "\"$default/" .$area. '.pm"; $lang ='. $area.
    eval $code;
    and obviously a require fails on a directory and causes an error,
    preventing the rest of the code being evalled.
    I honestly don't think it's possible to insert code in this situation -
    however if anyone can suggest other solutions, let me know.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Nick Cleaton [mailto:nickat_private] 
    Sent: Wednesday, 2 April 2003 2:50 AM
    To: bugtraqat_private
    Subject: IkonBoard v3.1.1: arbitrary command execution
    Vulnerable:     IkonBoard 3.1.1 (and probably earlier)
    Category:       Perl/CGI coding errors
    Impact:         Arbitrary command execution
    Date:           1st April 2003
    Vendor:         The Jarvis Group
    Vendor Status:  First notified 26th January 2003
    Vendor Fix:     None available
    IkonBoard ( is a comprehensive web bulletin
    system, implemented as a Perl/CGI script.
    There is a flaw in the Perl code that cleans up user input before
    interpolating it into a string which gets passed to Perl's eval()
    allowing an attacker to evaluate arbitrary Perl and hence run arbitrary
    The flaw is in the code that cleans up the value of the 'lang' cookie,
    sub LoadLanguage in Sources/Lib/
     # Make sure the cookie data is legal
     if ($iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'}) {
         $iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~
    If the cookie contains illegal characters then the s/// operation fails
    match and the bad cookie value is left in place, so this code fails to
    any validation.
    The cookie value is then interpolated into a directory name, which is in
    turn interpolated into a string passed to the eval function.  There is a
    check that the directory exists, but use of the poisoned null technique
    allows that check to be bypassed.
    Suggested Fix
    Either apply the attached patch to Sources/Lib/ on the web
    server, or
    make the following changes by hand:
    At line 104 of Sources/Lib/ is the code:
        $sid =~ s/^(\d+)$/$1/;
    ... change it to:
        $sid =~ s/^(\d+)$/$1/ or die 'bad sid cookie value';
    At line 191 of Sources/Lib/ is the code:
           $iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~
    ... change it to:
           $iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~
                    s/^([\d\w]+)$/$1/ or die 'bad lang cookie value';
    The following proof of concept exploit demonstrates that the problem is
    exploitable by causing a syntax error in the eval().  The Perl syntax
    message in the returned HTML proves that the exploit has been able to
    Perl source code into the eval.
    I have refrained from publishing a more functional exploit at this time,
    delay attacks against IkonBoard installations.  Note however that it
    take only a few minutes for a reasonably knowledgeable attacker to write
    exploit that runs arbitrary Perl.
    ----- cut here -----
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    my $HOST = 'www.example.domain';
    my $PATH = '/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi';
    use IO::Socket;
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$HOST:80") or die "connect: $!";
    $sock->print(<<END) or die "write: $!";
    GET $PATH HTTP/1.1
    Host: $HOST
    Cookie: lang=%2E%00%22
    Connection: close
    print while <$sock>;
    ----- cut here -----
    Nick Cleaton

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