Re: Jump back to shellcode Windows overflow

From: Matt Conover (shokat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 11:22:50 PDT

  • Next message: defaillanceat_private: "Re: Defacement Stats"

    You need to put a jmp instruction to jump back to your shellcode (which
    should be located after the return address). Try something like this:
    [NOPs][Shellcode][Padding (ebp, local vars, etc.)][Return address =
    pointer to a JMP ESP][jmp 0-padding-shellcode_len-5]
    Note the first thing your shellcode should do is add esp, 0xffffeff0
    (which is the same as subtracting esp by ~4K) so that when you push stuff
    onto the stack you're not corrupting your shellcode
    On Mon, 22 Apr 2003 chaboyd77at_private wrote:
    > I'm practicing developing Windows Buffer Overflows and
    > have run into a slight snag.  When I overwrite EIP with
    > the address of "jmp ESP" I land below my shellcode instead
    > of where the top of the stack used to be:
    > <-----------400 bytes-------->
    > [NOP's........Shellcode...EIP..*<-code jumps here**]
    > This didn't seem right but I figured that I'd use an
    > offset from ESP to hop back to my shellcode.
    > xor         eax,eax
    > 	xor		ebp,ebp
    > 	mov		ebp,esp
    > 	mov		eax,ebp - 190H
    >         jump            eax
    > What I'm trying is loading esp into ebp and then moving
    > that value into eax followed by a jump eax. Tried straight
    > from esp to eax but figured out that wasn't allowed. I know
    > that the .printer exploit(jill.c) does something similar (uses
    > eax and ebx to make the jump). Any ideas?
    > Thanks,
    > Dave

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