possible format string in ultra edit 8.00

From: Thijs Dalhuijsen (thijsat_private)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 03:28:14 PDT

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "safe mallocs (was Re: vulndev-1 and a suggestion about the ensuing discussion)"

    don't know if this is exploitable or not, .. not even sure i want to know ;) 
    but inproper handling of values could mean more interesting things i recon.... 
    ultraedit allows for you to edit files located on an ftp server. Account-data gets saved in the machine registry instead of the user registry so all users on the computer can view and use each others 'bookmarks'
    if you use square brackets ([]) in the account name ultraedit flips and can't load in the appropriate data.
    no idea what level or what causes it. but being an very popular programmers tool on win32 i thought i'd mention it.
    happy hunting,
    perl -pe 'tr/izeasgtbgo/1234567890/;$_=0.5<=rand(1)?lc$_:uc$_;'

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