ntoskrnl.exe and isql.exe hard crash (update) NetWare the root cause

From: wirepair (wirepairat_private)
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 09:53:50 PDT

  • Next message: William Robertson: "Re: safe mallocs (was Re: vulndev-1 and a suggestion about the ensuing discussion)"

    While paying closer attention to my machine as it blue 
    screened due to Query analyzer crashing, I noticed that 
    the actual exception occurs in nwfs.sys. This file I 
    believe is installed with the Netware Client. This fact 
    also coincides with my other lab machines not having the 
    BSoD when a large buffer was stuffed into "server" field. 
    Any one else running netware and query analyzer able to 
    help me prove this? 
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