Re: Mac OS X shellcode and SIGTRAP

From: Dino Dai Zovi (ddzat_private)
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 17:05:18 PDT

  • Next message: Diode Trnasistor: "N00b questions :\"

    The SIGTRAP you get is to notify the debugger that a new process was 
    started, so you can usually safely continue through it.
    You are having a problem because you inserted your stuff before the 
    'bnel' instruction.  The xor./bnel combo is what actually moves the pc 
    into the lr register.  Without that, the value in r31 that you use is 
    bogus.  So when you run it from the command line, you are getting a 
    segfault because you are trying to write to an illegal address.  
    Somehow, when you run it in GDB, the value that just happens to be r31 
    at the time does not cause an illegal access in the 'stbx' instruction. 
      If you move the 'bnel' back up to after the 'xor.', you will have a 
    valid value you can use in there.
    Also, don't bother fixing up the 'sc' instruction.  The unused bits in 
    it are ignored, so there is no need to set them back to nulls.  It also 
    does no good right now because the data cache and instruction cache on 
    the PowerPC are separate.  So the processor is executing the unmodified 
    'sc' instruction from the cache, not the one that you modified (which 
    will be stored in the data cache and written through to main memory).  
    You will need to put in an 'icbi' instruction to invalidate the 
    instruction cache block that contains the 'sc' instruction for the 
    processor to execute the modified instruction.  But, that is a pain, 
    and unnecessary, so just don't bother.
    Best of luck and have fun with my shellcode,
              Dino Dai Zovi / ddzat_private /
           "Bein' Crazy is the least of my worries." - Jack Kerouac
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