Re: mirc32 6.0x crash when resolving dns.

From: Roland Postle (mailat_private)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 18:41:25 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Pentchev: "Re: mirc32 6.0x crash when resolving dns."

    On Mon, 26 May 2003 23:22:37 +0200, aT4r InsaN3 wrote:
    >every time i tried to resolve a few ips mirc32 dies. the problem seems to be 
    >in the WSAAsyncGetHostByName() call.
    >i have tested this feature in both mirc  6.01 and 6.03 in diferent 
    Interestingly the bug seems to be in WS2_32.DLL itself. mIRC does a
    WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr() call which causes a new thread to be spawned
    which performs the usual gethostbyaddr() call. The returned
    HOSTENTcontains a NULL h_name field (as apposed to a pointer to an
    empty string). I can't tell if that's correct behaviour when there's no
    reverse lookup, but it's also interesting to note that reverse DNS
    lookups on the IP addresses you posted seem to fall into a loop. After
    performing the lookup CopyHostentToBuffer is called to copy the HOSTENT
    structure so it can notify the appropriate windows of the lookup's
    completion. BytesInHostent is called to count the number of bytes in
    the HOSTENT, but it trips on the NULL pointer as it tries to count how
    long the h_name field is.
    My guess:
    Vulnerable to NULL pointer dereference: Anything that calls
    (Btw, the bug appears to be WSAAsyncGetHostByName in windbg because you
    only have the exported symbol names loaded)
    Confirmed in WS2_32.DLL version 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148), XP
    SP1, mIRC 6.03.
    - Blazde

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