Re: [Vuln-dev Challenge] Challenge #2

From: Janus N. (janusat_private)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 16:11:39 PDT

  • Next message: Robert Hogan: "Re: [Vuln-dev Challenge] Challenge #2"

    On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 23:03, Robert Hogan wrote:
    > > We want to set (overflow) the bfp pointer with the address of the printf
    > > command. We subtract two because the db.log file starts with two ';;'.
    > > These will then be written two bytes before printf code starts ---
    > > corrupting whatever is there (but we really don't care about that).
    > One (hopefully final)  request for clarification:
    > when fgets finds bfp (with the address of printf there) it jumps to printf and 
    > executes the value in bfp (which is now shellcode)???
    > Is this correct?
    We overwrite the bfp pointer (which is stored on the stack) at the
    strcpy(buf, argv[1]) line. Now bfp points to printf function - 2. fgets
    will then read BFSIZE bytes from db.log and write them to the memory
    that bfp points to (address of printf minus 2).
    > I still don't really get the printf_got -2 thing. I would have thought that if 
    > printf is at a given address, changing that address would point to something 
    > else that is not the printf command! Obviously not, but I don't understand 
    > how. 
    If you take a look at 
    fprintf(f1, ";;%s;;", argv[2]);
    you see, that the first two bytes of db.log will be ';;'. We don't want
    ';;' to overwrite the printf function so that is why we subtract 2 (then
    we will overwrite something else ... but we really do not care. We won't
    need it).
    Hope this makes it clear.
    Janus N. Tøndering <janusat_private>

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