Shellcode questions

From: Discussion Lists (discussionsat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 08:02:13 PDT

  • Next message: Vade 79: "man[v1.5l]: format string exploit / POC."

    Hi all,
    I would have guessed that shellcode would look quite a bit different on
    different types of CPU's and OS's, but I just made shellcode in Mandrake
    9.1 (Kernel 2.4 I think) and didn't expect it to look different than in
    RedHat 8, which was what I was using not too long ago.  It did however
    look different.  Some stuff looked the same, and it still worked, but
    the only things I can think of that might cause that are either a newer
    kernel, a newer version of gdb, or a newer compiler (since the CPU
    didn't change at all).  Does that sound about right?

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