SSI vulnerability in Compaq Web Based Management Agent

From: Ian Vitek (
Date: Wed Jun 18 2003 - 15:05:14 PDT

  • Next message: Nicolas RUFF (lists): "Re: Java class obfuscation"

    SSI vulnerability in Compaq Web Based Management Agent
    Type of vulnerabilities:
      Server Side Include injection. Exploitable.
      Stack overflows and access violations. Exploitable?
      Creation of script objects. Exploitable?
    Affected Software:  Compaq Web Based Management Agent
    Verified Platforms:  Windows
    Background and problem description
    Bashis (bash at has found several vulnerabilities
    in Compaq Web Based Management Agent. This Agent runs on
    TCP port 2301 (HTTP) or 2381 (HTTPS).
    The agent uses "tags" to run funktions at the server side.
    To list all tags:
    To crash the agent:
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x77f0c3dc
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x10039869
    This crashes the agent too:
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x77f0c3dc
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x77f0c3dc
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x10039869
    The cause could be an endless loop (the result
    contains a tag to display an URL, and the result
    contains a tag to display an URL, and the result...)
    More strange stack overflows:
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x77f0c3dc
    Many tags take input that seems vulnerable:
    Stack overflow (0xc00000fd), Address: 0x77f0c3dc
    Netcat following:
    GET /<!.FunctionContentType=(About 250 AAAAA:s)> HTTP/1.0
    Access violation (0xc0000005), Address: 0x100368a5
    Check file existens. (with a nice 'input box')
    It looks like you could create script objects.
    Check the tags with <!.TableDisplayTags>. Some of the
    CreateObject tags has the parameter 'script'.
    I don't know if it could be done though.
    Is this just another remote DoS?
    Are the Stack overflows and access violations exploitable?
    Can you create script objects and run them?
    I have mailed HP (security-alertat_private) and got an automated
    response 28/5 2003.
    If someone want to forward this mail they may do so.
    (bugtraq? vulnwatch?)
    To all of my friends; See you in Vegas!
    The Swedes are comming.
    //Ian Vitek

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jun 23 2003 - 08:19:01 PDT