Re: Getting Base Address using the Structured Exception Handler

From: Costin Ionescu (costin.ionescuat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 04:23:31 PDT

  • Next message: sk: "Re: Getting Base Address using the Structured Exception Handler"

    Nobody Mind wrote:
    >I basically am wondering if anyone has links or can
    >post a short explanation of why (not how) using the
    >SEH method works for getting the base 
    >address of kernel32.dll and others?
    Because installing a SEH means that you get execution control when your 
    thread causes an exception.
    If you want to find the base of kernel32 you just access some pages 
    where you think it is
    (around 0xBFF70000 on Win9x, around 0x77F0000/0x77E80000 on 
    WinNT/2K/XP). If the kernel isn't there
    either those pages are not allocated and accessing them will cause a 
    General Protection Fault, either the
    pages are allocated but there is something else there and you can find 
    that out by verifying some info that
    is specific for kernel32.
    So when a GPF is raised the OS will pass the execution control to the 
    SEH handlers. And so you can probe
    for valid memory pages without terminating the process and having that 
    annoing message box
    (This application has performed an illegal operation and will be 

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