How vulnerable is a 'Limited" account on XP?

From: Bernie Cosell (bernieat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 10:08:05 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Samuel: "Re: Generic way to exploit an insecure /tmp file creation - Red Hat 7,8,9 (Re: Red Hat 9: free tickets)"

    I've been wondering: are there exploits/vulnerabilities that can burrow 
    into a system through a limited account on XP?  I've tried playing around 
    a little bit [but I'm really not very much of an XP-hacker] and it sure 
    seems hard to get a toehold on the system from my limited account.  With 
    the entire system drive essentially read-only, and with its not being 
    able to mess with ADMIN or SYSTEM processes, I wonder just how vulnerable 
    XP is...  [for example, I"ve been tempted (but too chicken) to try 
    intentionally infecting myself with one or another of the email-borne 
    viruses just to see how far they could penetrate into my system].
    Bernie Cosell                     Fantasy Farm Fibers
    mailto:bernieat_private     Pearisburg, VA
        -->  Too many people, too few sheep  <--       

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