Re: Named Pipe Impersonation -> CreateProcessAsUser();

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 14 2003 - 13:13:54 PDT

  • Next message: noir: "RE: Named Pipe Impersonation -> CreateProcessAsUser();"

    wirepair wrote:
    > Hello, I'm attempting to finish up my exploit for the @stake advisory, 
    > i've hit quite a snag when i found out that calling a new process does 
    > not inherit the privileges of the named pipe. (I must have been thinking 
    > of fork() or something heh). So I can impersonate SYSTEM, but I can not 
    > create a new process with these nice privileges. 
    Can you tell if you end up with the TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES priv?  If I 
    recall correctly (and I probably don't) child processes of system will have 
    that prive, but not have the other privs turned on.  You have to use 
    AdjustTokenPrivileges to get them.

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