RE: Password Cracking Challenge...

From: David Schwartz (davidsat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 13:40:36 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Wojcik: "RE: Password Cracking Challenge..."

    > Below is a list of password (case sensitive) together
    > with the encrypted password, is it possible to
    > determine the algorithm used to hash the passwords
    > with this sample?
    > If so, what would the hash for the password: Fir88x!t
    > QUALITY - 52C52E2CC668FD2C0000000000000000
    > Password321 - D5FBB0C7C20D9CE74407A5B354A6D6F1
    > Password123 - D5FBB0C7C20D9CE7DBFA06AF253CC5C9
    > Password2 - D5FBB0C7C20D9CE728B6D2DC010F626F
    > Pa$$word321 - 8C4A8322764A87E62F90455FEA1F23B5
    > Cr@ckM3! - FECC4F25D07CD6890000000000000000
    	Two things:
    	1) You should have hashed a few of the shortest possible passwords, like
    'a' and 'b' if the program would allow you to. At minimum, you should have
    hased passwords that are much more similar, like 'foo0' and 'foo1', or
    ideally '0' and '1'. You have no passwords that differ by only one
    	2) You need to tell people what it is they're working on. If we're going to
    help you compromise the security of something, we need to know what it is.
    You don't mention whether this is an algorithm you constructed just for this
    challenge or whether it's a real algorithm.
    	Also, it's obvious that the program divides the password into two portions
    and does a 64-bit hash of each. So the problem reduces to figuring out what
    64-bit hashing function that is.

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