perl/php connect-back backdoor?

From: Victor Pereira (vpereiraat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 12:33:13 PDT

  • Next message: Victor Pereira: "is it even possible for a worm with dcom vuln?"

    Hi, you can use the reverse shell from THC (
    Well, a program is run on the internal host, which spawns a child every day
    at a special time. For the firewall, this child acts like a user, using his
    netscape client to surf on the internet. In reality, this child executes a
    local shell and connects to the www server owned by the hacker on the
    internet via a legitimate looking http request and sends it ready signal.
    The legitimate looking answer of the www server owned by the hacker are in
    reality the commands the child will execute on it's machine it the local
    shell. All traffic will be converted (I'll not call this "encrypted", I'm
    not Micro$oft) in a Base64 like structure and given as a value for a
    cgi-string to prevent caching.
    You can use netcat compiled with the execute option and run with a time
    option to connect to your machine either.
    Victor Pereira - LPI, CCSA, CCSE - Security Analyst

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