This is a security advisory for TWiki installations: Unauthorized users may view access restricted content with a failed login. This applies only to TWiki installations with sessions enabled using Apache 1.3, not Apache 2.x. * Vulnerable Software Version * Attack Vectors * Impact * Severity Level * MITRE Name for this Vulnerability * Details * Countermeasures * Hotfix * Authors and Credits * Action Plan with Timeline * Feedback * External Links ---++ Vulnerable Software Version * TWikiRelease04x00x05 -- * TWikiRelease04x00x04 -- * TWikiRelease04x00x03 -- * TWikiRelease04x00x02 -- * TWikiRelease04x00x01 -- * TWikiRelease04x00x00 -- * TWikiRelease04Sep2004 -- (1) * TWikiRelease03Sep2004 -- (1) * TWikiRelease02Sep2004 -- (1) * TWikiRelease01Sep2004 -- (1) (1) - with SessionPlugin ---++ Attack Vectors An unauthorized user can login by cancelling out of a failed login. ---++ Impact An unauthorized user is able to view content in access restricted topics. Editing topics and attaching files is not impacted. ---++ Severity Level The TWiki SecurityTeam [2] triaged this issue as documented in TWikiSecurityAlertProcess [3] and assigned the following severity level: * Severity 3 issue: TWiki content or browser is compromised ---++ MITRE Name for this Vulnerability The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has assigned the name CVE-2006-6071 [4] to this vulnerability. ---++ Details Your site may be vulnerable if: 1. If you have ErrorDocument 401 set to point to the TWikiRegistration topic (or any other TWiki topic), and 2. You are using !ApacheLogin with TWiki-4.0 and have sessions enabled, _or_ you are using an earlier TWiki version with SessionPlugin, and 3. You are running Apache 1.3 The exploit can be used to view pages protected by TWiki permissions. It does not allow you to to gain write access. You can verify if your site is vulnerable as follows: 1. Click the 'Login' link in the left bar 2. Enter the login name of a valid user, but an incorrect password. 3. Click "Ok" 4. If apache re-prompts, enter the same username and password again 5. Click "Cancel" If your site is vulnerable you will be redirected to the TWikiRegistration topic with the valid user apparently logged in (the name appears in the left bar). ---++ Countermeasures * Restrict access to the TWiki installation. * Apply the hotfix indicated below. NOTE: The hotfix is known to prevent the current attacks, but it might not be a complete fix ---++ Hotfix Delete the ErrorDocument line in the Apache configuration (httpd.conf or .htaccess), *or* (preferred) change it to point to a static HTML page. This page can safely contain a link to the TWikiRegistration page. For example, <html> <title>Failed login</title> <head> </head> <body> Your login attempt failed. <p /> Do you want to <a href="/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration">register in TWiki</a>? </body> </html> (modify the href as appropriate for your site.) ---++ Authors and Credits * Credit to TWiki:Main.GeorgeClark for disclosing the issue to the twiki-security mailing list * TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie for researching issue and for creating recommended fix * TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny for creating the advisory ---++ Action Plan with Timeline * 2006-11-17: User discloses vulnerability to twiki-security * 2006-11-21: Developer verifies issue * 2006-11-21: Developer creates hotfix * 2006-11-21: Security team creates advisory * 2006-11-29: Send alert to TWikiAnnounceMailingList and TWikiDevMailingList * 2006-11-30: Publish advisory in Codev web and update all related topics * 2006-11-30: Issue a public security advisory ---++ Feedback Please provide feedback at the security alert topic [1], ---++ External Links [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: -- Contributors: Main.CrawfordCurrie, Main.PeterThoeny - 30 Nov 2006 -- * Peter Thoeny Peter@private * - bringing wikis to the workplace * - is your team already TWiki enabled? * Knowledge cannot be managed, it can be discovered and shared * This e-mail is: (_) private (_) ask first (x) public
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