[ISN] ACP seeks crypto-freedom for large corporations only

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 12:56:21 PDT

  • Next message: mea culpa: "[ISN] R.I. man indicted for hacking in university computers systems"

    Forwarded From: "Jay D. Dyson" <jdysonat_private>
    [*grrr*  I resent any group that purports to represent all
     americans and then turns out to only support Big Business.
     Instead of being called "Americans for Computer Privacy,"
     they should call themselves "Behemoth Industry for Computer
     Privacy and To Hell With the Rest of You." - Jay]
    - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
       Coalition makes final crypto offer
       By Reuters
       May 15, 1998
       WASHINGTON--A private-sector coalition opposed to strict U.S. export
       controls on data scrambling technology made its final offer yesterday
       to compromise with the Clinton administration, people familiar with
       the talks said.
       The coalition, known as Americans for Computer Privacy, has been
       negotiating with the administration since early March but little
       progress has been made thus far to break the years-old stalemate over
       encryption export limits.
       The final offer asks President Bill Clinton to immediately allow
       exports of strong encryption products to "legitimate and responsible
       organizations" worldwide, such as foreign financial institutions,    
       telecommunications firms, and utilities.
    [..remainder snipped...]
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