[ISN] URGENT: WIPO Treaty threatens legality of legit hacking

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 18:49:42 PDT

  • Next message: mea culpa: "[ISN] The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (more info)"

    [Moderator: This is from the opening page on the l0pht web 
     page right now. The page links to more information
     so please visit those links as well.
     I don't think I have to go into it on the serious
     nature of these issues and how it will affect security
    (http://www.l0pht.com)  New WIPO treaty threatens the legality of
    legitimate hacking
    The World Intellectual Property Organization treaty has already passed the
    US Senate and is close to passing in the House. The treaty would make it
    illegal, with extremely stiff penalties, to break security schemes without
    the permission of the company that makes the product. 
    Programs like l0phtcrack would be made illegal. People could not publish
    vulnerabilities in products and encryption schemes. We would go back to
    the days of security vulnerabilities only circulating in the underground
    as lists like Bugtraq are made illegal. 
    This is plain and simple security through obscurity.  Intellectual
    property owners are using the legal system to protect their products
    instead of the tried and true method of open systems and public review. 
    How will we know if anything is secure if all the "white papers" and
    reports on a system's security are paid for by the manufacturers only?
    Unbiased, "Consumer Reports-like" groups will be outlawed. 
    L0pht is vehemently opposed to this proposed treaty. It has serious
    freedom of speech implications. It also gives companies a license to
    produce shoddy, inadequate systems without fear of exposure. 
    Read more about this treaty:
    Treaty could stymie ethical security tests, PC Week
    Visit EFF and find out how you can fight this.
    Detailed info on the treaty with commentary.
    Subscribe: mail majordomoat_private with "subscribe isn".
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