Forwarded From: jonnyx <jonnyxat_private> Good lord! It's v2.00 09/01/98 `88888b. 88 88 .d88888 888888P oOo `88~ dP~88 d88 Y8888P o888b. 88 8D 88 88 88' 88 88 dP Yb 88 dP 88 d8V8 88 d8P~~Y8 88ood8F 88ooo88 `Yboo88 88oood dC 5b 88,dP 88 d8V88 88 88 8888F~ 88~~~88 d8'88 88~~~T 88ooo88 88`Yb 88d8P 88 88 88 88 88 88 dV 88 88 88~~~88 88 Yb 888P 88 88 Y8L..d8 d88b 88 88vdV 88v888888b.88 88v88, Yb.88P 88 d8888b Y888P' 1010000 1001000 1010010 1000101 1000001 1001011 1001110 1001001 1000011 THE QUICK & DIRTY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who: se2600 (Nashville/Atlanta hackers) What: a weekend of hacking, panel discussions, partying and other mayhem Where: Drury Inn south, I-24 and Harding Place, Nashville TN, 615.834.7170 When: 30 October - 01 November Why: why not? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! This is the initial invitation to and announcement for PhreakNIC, a convention for hackers, phone phreaks, cypherpunks, programmers, civil libertarians, ham/scanner enthusiasts and culture jammers. Not one of the above? No prob. Network engineers, ISP owners, sysops, security consultants, the generally curious and (especially) those who want to learn about some of the more "underground" elements of our technological culture are all encouraged to attend. We're even inviting a few feds. The con starts 3:00pm Friday and runs nonstop until noon Sunday; there may be a few additional events afterwards, so check our contact site at on a regular basis. There will be live djs, films and videos, a series of lectures and panel discussions from 1:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday, a costume party and mini-rave Halloween evening, and numerous informal tech talks and demos. We're also providing space to the Nashville Linux User's Group for a Saturday install-fest and swap meet. A computer network will be set up early Friday for a weekend-long session of r00t wars. The goal will be to hack into as many LOCAL machines as possible and take them over, while preventing the same from happening to you. Participants will learn a LOT about internet and network security. Bring you own ethernet/RJ45 equipped computer(s); the network will be TCP/IP. Why are we doing this? A very wise man once said "Don't get mad at the media, BECOME the media!" We see this as a chance to dispel many of the misconceptions and outright lies spread by certain greedy corporations (especially those in the telecommunications industry) about our subculture, expose the bad laws their lobbyists sponsor and our politicians pass (usually over the protests of experts), and chastise the mainstream media for frequently poor and biased reporting (and for perverting the word "hacker", which was a complement up until the 80's). Assuming anyone wants to listen, that is... It's also an excuse for a big party Halloween weekend. See ya there! PS - Did we mention that its free? -o- Subscribe: mail majordomoat_private with "subscribe isn". Today's ISN Sponsor: Repent Security Incorporated []
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