[Moderator: Each time this group hacks a system, they typically mail ISN and other hacker or security mail lists. I have been rejecting the posts for the most part, but wanted to let this one through since it is a bigger site, as well as let people know that this isn't an isolated incident. Viewing the source of this page shows a list of sites the group has hacked as well as more mature comments.] Forwarded From: Steve Birnbaum <sbirnat_private> >From http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ [Due to only one of two boxes on dns round-robin having been modified, you might have to hit reload. - Steve] HFG 0WNS F1RST 0FF, WE HAVE T0 SAY.. WE 0WN YER DUMB ASS. 4ND R3MEMB3R, DUMB ASS 1S OFT3N CUTE 4SS. AND WE L1KE CUTE ASS. S3C0ND, H1 23 Y3AR 0LD W1Z K1D.. T1M3 F0R 'BGREP' T0 M33T BEELZEBUB! 0H, WER3 SN1FF1NG YER N3TW0RK B0Y! __________________________________________________________________________ S1NC3 WE AR3 N0W INTERN3T TERR0RISTZ, W3 F1GURE WE SH0ULD DEMAND S0ME RANSOM OR SOMETHING. SO, PAY US 104 GIRLIEZ, 6 BILLION IN NASA SPACE RATIONS AND SHUTTLE PARTS, AND MAYBE A MOONR0V3R OR THREE. THEN WE STOP HACKING YOUR DUMB ASS. __________________________________________________________________________ S1NC3 NASA WANTS T0 BRAG AB0UT THEIR WIZ KID WH0 KNOWS SECURITY, W3 FIGUR3 W3 SH0ULD TAKE A L00K AT TH3IR SETUP. G0SH YER STUPID. RUNN1NG A BUNCH 0F GR3PS 1SN'T IDS D00D. W3 SH0ULD ALSO WARN YEW, D0NT FUCK WITH MAST3R P1MP. YOU D3L3T3 H1S SN1FFERZ AGAIN, WE N3V3R STOP! TH0SE AR3 0UR SN1FF3RZ BITCH. WE'D L1K3 T0 GR33T THE NSA SP00KZ WH0 AR3 R3AD1NG THIS. ENTRIEZ L1KE spook::100:100:NSA Spook:/home/spook:/bin/sh 1ZNT TOO STEALTHY. KINDA ST1CKS OUT THAT Y0U AR3 THER3 AND SN1FFING. __________________________________________________________________________ TH1S T1ME, CAR0LYN M3INEL ASKED US TO HIT A G0V3RNMENT SITE 'C4US3 SH3 SAID "1T G3TS M0RE PR3SS". SHE ST1LL ASKED US NOT T0 M3NTION H3R NAME. SO, BE QUI3T AB0UT THAT, 1TZ 0UR SEKRET. __________________________________________________________________________ HFG PO3TRY FOR Y0U: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The great space program, JPL on our watch just tripped and fell. Coz when they do sec-ur-ity the crap they plug just AIN'T WORTH PEE! C-SPAN oughta dig this scene and wonder where the hell we been! We jumped on the system and cored the bitch because we got that GIRLIE ITCH! Now don't you feel to for j00 Coz we will tell you what to do First you can your wizkid boy And scrap that bgrep TINKER TOY! And next you call up H-F-G and just cry out 'Oh mercy me'! 'Those 3v1l h4x0rz 0wn m4h 4zz'! 'I want to take your hacking class'! We will come right out and fix you good. just give us chix to lick our wood Coz NASA it is very clear with hacks like us, j00 b3tt3r PH33R! __________________________________________________________________________ HFG 1S PROUD TO 0FFER OUR N3W S3CURITY TRAIN1NG SEMINARZ 1N A LAUNCH PAD N3AR YOU. F0R 8369.99 +TAX, YOUR ADM1NZ CAN L3ARN H0W N0T T0 G1VE UP R00T SO 3ASILY. TOO G00D TO B3 TRUE YOU ASK? C0NSIDER WE R00TED TH1S B0X OFF AN 'SKEY' VULNERABILITY IN 3.0 S3CONDS. NOT BAD HUH? __________________________________________________________________________ W3 AR3 TH3 GR3Y HAT _ROBIN HOODS_ 0F HACK1NG! W3 FEEL UP TH3 R1CH, AND L1V3 F0R M0RE! PL3ASE V1S1T AND SUPPORT S1TES WE D0N'T 0WN: * FREE KEVIN YA DUMB WHOREZ! * IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD OUR SEMINAR... * FIGHT THESE CRIMINALS * THE GOOD GUYS * THESE GUYS R00L HFG '98 BABY ! H4CK1NG 4 G1RL13Z PS: W3 PR0BABLY 0WN YER DUMB ASS T00 PPS: Y3S!@#$ WE ARE B0R3D, QU1T ASK1NG US. PPPS: HFG WOULD LIKE TO GREET: HFG, KEVIN MITN1CK, GALF, HFG, SOD, RWO, HFG, ADM, CCC, EL8, PHRACK, HFG, GU1LD, ABC, THFC, HFG, AND OUR DOG. PPPPS: HFG WOULD L1KE TO RIDICUL3: MILWORM (ESPECIALLY DEATHCRAZE), ANALYZER, MASTERS OF DOWNLOADING, LEGIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND, ENFORCERS, COBRA, ASHTRAY LUMBERJACKS, ANTIONLINE, H4G1S PPPPS: U4EA SM3LLS LIKE HANDCUFFS. VI ROOLZHFG NOW Contact us at ownedat_private Copyright 1997 1998 Y2K HFG 3NT3RPR1Z3S. ALL RIGHTS PERVERSE. All LEFTS PRESERVED. HFG SECURED --==_Exmh_-703746792P Content-Type: application/pgp-signature -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3ia iQEVAwUBNe0PjQNowu66bCy5AQHgowf+LxVBqdHYeox7lGHOVYazijrUfozdizyG jd3lmwKZTwyIaETyB80jvPMMebn8lqAMo4bv7aJQB4AQiEQ/y0NRRM493B0Q9bhA 180F2OP4bWSo0xFuZOMWcJdKTsjb4wzYUDxVw0wo8eBNUgdnJGC77+2XrTOhAM1X LfAwMTVp7NxHvnLqIcdBshoiGD4WKYb4LZ6vjp3oOf3cDAyIYNGfoCrbquRN6PXa 4sr9Acoh9rbbfYcbGcRxg0kzVpfReJh5F4ozmd1S7k40bD4rMtgOurO8gAMzvkH9 6VJuOSc0AJJI/W4dYVIem3lhEznyJnemGcogx3m+X0UWoQcaljmxMQ== =GKWn -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --==_Exmh_-703746792P-- -o- Subscribe: mail majordomoat_private with "subscribe isn". Today's ISN Sponsor: Repent Security Incorporated [www.repsec.com]
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