[ISN] HFG hacks New York Times web page

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 14 1998 - 01:28:57 PDT

  • Next message: mea culpa: "Re: [ISN] ISS Dominates Live Intusion Detection Showcase"

    [Moderator: Article on this can be found on CNN, LATimes, NYTimes, MSNBC,
     news.com, Washington Post, ZDnet, AP, and others.]
    Forwarded From: William Knowles <erehwonat_private>
    Mirror of the hacked page at:
    NEW YORK (AP) [9.13.98] -- The Web page of The New York Times was hacked
    Sunday morning by a group supporting imprisoned hacker Kevin Mitnick.  An
    editor discovered the page had been altered at 7:50 a.m., and the page was
    taken down to be repaired, said Nancy Nielsen, a Times spokeswoman. ``The
    material was so offensive,'' she said. The Times contacted the FBI, she
    In a mishmash of creative spelling and vague threats posted on a black
    background, a group calling itself HFG, or ``Hacking for Girlies,''
    ridiculed several members of the Times staff. 
    It took special interest in reporter John Markoff, who wrote ``TakeDown,''
    a book detailing the search for Mitnick, convicted of computer-related
    fraud charges, whose imprisonment since 1995 has been a cause celebre in
    the hacker community. 
    ``Do you have nightmares about helping imprison Kevin?'' they wrote.
    ``Knowing that your lies and deceit helped bring down this injustice?''
    Nielson said Markoff had been the target of hackers before, but there had
    been no attacks in ``quite a while.''
    HFG buried additional comments within the source code, the written
    computer instructions which produced the replacement page. Those comments
    were less threatening, lacked the creative spellings and included quotes
    from Alfred Tennyson, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Voltaire. 
    HFG also said they hacked the page because they were bored and wanted to
    make people laugh. 
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