[ISN] CFP: Architectures, Tools and Algorithms.. Symposium

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 08 1998 - 14:23:46 PST

  • Next message: mea culpa: "[ISN] XmasCon/Hacking the Year Away 1998"

    Forwarded From: "Jay D. Dyson" <jdysonat_private>
    Originally To: BUGTRAQat_private
    FOCUS SYMPOSIUM: "Architectures, Tools and Algorithms
    For Networks, Parallel and Distributed Systems."
     (Inside ISAS Conference, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
    from July 30 to August 3, 1999 http://www.iiis.org/isas)
    DEADLINE: 01/18/99
    The purpose of this symposium is to bring together developers, computer
    scientists and researchers to discuss recent advances, developments and
    practical applications in Parallel and Distributed Systems. 
    Topics of interest include the following:
    _ Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems
    _ Parallel Computer Architecture and Interconnection
    _ Fault Tolerance, Reliability and Security
    _ Performance Evaluation and Simulation of Parallel and Distributed Systems
    _ Automatic parallelization and high performance compilers
    _ Design automation for parallel processor VLSIs
    _ New applications in High Performance Computing
    _ Neural Networks, Multi-Agent Systems
    _ Parallel and Distributed Databases Systems
    _ Programming environments for Parallel and Distributed processing
    _ Information Highway applications (e.g. WEB applications, broadband
      networking, navigation)
    _ Interconnection and Data Networks
    _ Telecommunication software
    _ Communications and telecommunications
    _ Wireless communication networks and mobile computing
    _ QoS Network routing and communication algorithms
    _ Broadband communication systems
    _ Advanced intelligent networks
    _ High performance computing
    _ ATM networks
    _ Networks and Internet Security
    Paper Submissions:
    Participants who wish to present a paper are requested to submit an
    abstract (500-1500 words) by January 18th, 1999. Acceptance notifications
    by March 1. The full paper should be submitted by April 26 1999. 
    Authors must submit PostScript versions of their abstracts electronically at:
    ISERN, Germinal
    College of Computer Science
    Northeastern University
    161 Culliname Hall
    Boston, MA 012115
    Phone: (office) 617 373 8684 (home) 508 872 6583
    Fax: 617 373 5121
    E-mail: isernat_private, gisernat_private, gisernat_private
    AGUILAR, José
    CEMISID. Departamento de Computación
    Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas
    Facultad de Ingeniería
    Universidad de los Andes
    Av. Tulio Febres Cordero
    Mérida. Estado Mérida
    5101. VENEZUELA
    Phone: +58 74 40 29 98
    Fax: +58 74 40 28 72
    Email:  aguilarat_private, joseat_private
    Important Dates:
    January 18, 1999: Submission of Extended abstracts (2-3 pages) to Germinal
    ISERN or
    Jose AGUILAR.
    March 1, 1999: Notification of Acceptance.
    April 26, 1999: Submission of Camera Ready Papers. (2000 to 5000 words, 6
    Chairman and Members:
    Program Chairman: Isern Germinal (USA/Venezuela), AGUILAR José (Venezuela)
    Program Committee Members:
    Alt René (France)
    Erol Gelembe (USA)
    Baran Benjamin (Paraguay)
    Breen Jim (Australia)
    Cañas Javier (Chile)
    Hoeger Herbert (Venezuela)
    Hernandez Emilio (Venezuela)
    Karmouch Ahmed (Canada)
    Larriba Josep (Spain)
    Leiss Ernst (USA)
    Paez Charles (Venezuela)
    Petiton Serge (France)
    Sanchez Jesus (Mexico)
    Scherson Isaac (USA)
    Trefftz Christian (Colombia)
    Dalila Megherbi (USA)
    Ibrahim Matta (USA)
    Subscribe: mail majordomoat_private with "subscribe isn".
    Today's ISN Sponsor: Repent Security Incorporated [www.repsec.com]

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