[ISN] Asymmetric Warfare, The Special Operations Warrior Foundation, & The Red Cross

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 01:08:12 PDT

  • Next message: InfoSec News: "[ISN] FC: Online "vigilantes" accidentally deface WTC victim's website"

    Never did I ever think that I would ever title a message to InfoSec
    News like that, but there is about three basic comments I want to put
    out there for everyone to think about.
    Asymmetric Warfare...
    The U.S. military's working definition of asymmetric warfare says that
    "adversaries are likely to attempt to circumvent or undermine
    strengths while exploiting its weaknesses, using methods that differ
    significantly from the usual mode of operations." recent Joint Staff
    definition opines that asymmetric warfare consists of "unanticipated
    or non-traditional approaches to circumvent or undermine an
    adversary's strengths while exploiting his vulnerabilities through
    unexpected technologies or innovative means."
    As security professionals we are all too aware that all of our
    networks just aren't as secure as they could be, and our new enemy
    also knows this, many of my contacts in government and military that
    have taking the brief moment to write me are asking me to get this
    message out, that there is a likelyhood that future terrorist attacks
    might aim for critical infrastructure, and that we should all be
    looking for behavior that is out of the norm and to do our best to
    really start locking things down a bit more than we would have two
    weeks ago.
    Special Operations Warrior Foundation
    The mission of the Warrior Foundation is to provide college
    scholarships and educational counseling to the children of Special
    Operations Forces who are killed in the line of duty.
    Its of my opinion (and others) that the special operations community
    will likely be the ones conducting the majority of military assaults
    on terrorist camps and if you are like me, you have either donated
    blood or have tried to, contributed money to one of the many relief
    organizations and maybe you are looking for other ways to help, I
    would ask that you maybe look at this above link.
    The Red Cross
    The Red Cross in New York has all the technical help it needs, and
    then some, according to a message today from the agency. 
    "What we thought would be sent to five or six people has made it from
    sea to shining sea, awesome is the power of the Internet. What we
    really need most at the moment is time... time to sort through what
    has been offered and to reassess our needs," said Leo in his canned
    Besides having fulfilled its current need for technical help, the New
    York field office has also assembled all the volunteer staff it needs. 
    According to a message at its site, "the American Red Cross in Greater
    New York is currently at full staff and does not require any more
    human resource at this time." 
    Also the ISN bot is in the process of being tweaked to help out on
    finding more open source information on information security,
    cyberterrorism, cryptography, conferences, and yes a little humor to
    help us all in conquering this new and still being better defined
    enemy that we'll do our collective best in defeating.
    I should also add that I am getting closer to putting C4I.org on its
    own box, and soon I will be able to offer digests of ISN mail since I
    understand the viewpoint of getting too much information and wanting
    to unsubscribe from the list because of it.
    William Knowles
    ISN is currently hosted by Attrition.org
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