Re: [ISN] New York Red Cross Needs Tech assistance!

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 19 2001 - 11:41:45 PDT

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    Forwarded from: kelley <kwalker2at_private>
    At 03:05 AM 9/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
    >Forwarded from: Darren Reed <darrenrat_private>
    >Forgive me for being insensitive, but will someone please explain what
    >the World Trade Centre disaster has to do with Information Security ?
    Disaster management and disaster recovery planning. I have already had
    requests to organize the re-writing of policies to include: personnel,
    replacing; personnel, delayed trauma, and so forth.
    Otherwise, see Stratfor's latest, below. I didn't include the
    attachment, but I trust our fearless William The Conqueror will oblige
    if he sees fit.
                                 S T R A T F O R
                         THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE COMPANY
                                                       17 September 2001
           * Opposition to Taliban May Unite Iran and U.S.
           * The Intelligence War
           * Defense Spending Potential Rescue For Economy
    Is American Infrastructure at Risk?
    2120 GMT, 010917
    The financial and air transportation industries will feel the
    aftershocks of the Sept. 11 attacks for years. If terrorists did
    not fully anticipate this while planning the attacks, they are
    certainly aware of it now. This raises the possibility that the
    perpetrators may shift future target sets away from pure terror
    targets toward vital infrastructure, including oil refineries and
    Stock markets in the United States reopened Sept. 17 for the
    first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on Washington,
    D.C., and New York, and air traffic began to return to normal.
    The Dow Jones average and NASDAQ, however, both fell by more than
    5 percent, with airline stocks taking particularly strong hits.
    The effects of Sept. 11 will be apparent for some time in the
    American financial and transportation sectors and around the
    globe. The question now is whether these far-reaching
    ramifications were intended by or incidental to the attackers'
    plans. The answer may shed light on whether more attacks may
    follow and what the targets might be. A campaign against
    important American infrastructure -- such as communications and
    power installations -- could be in the works.
    Unlike the Sept. 11 suicide strikes, which shut the United States
    down for a week, a sustained campaign against vital
    infrastructure could have effects unseen in the United States
    since the Civil War.
    Following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the
    United States has significantly enhanced security procedures at
    airports, military facilities and federal buildings. Cities
    around the nation have also heightened security around potential
    targets, including high-rise office buildings and local
    government facilities. It is likely the attackers would have
    anticipated these changes.
    In the past, the expectation of heightened security made
    perpetrators of large-scale terrorist attacks slip into obscurity
    after the hits and lie low for a year or two before striking
    again. And they rarely used the same method in rapid succession
    as security responses rose to match the initial assault tactics.
    Although this hit-and-run method could be repeated this time, the
    scale and planning of the Sept. 11 operation, the apparent
    training of the terrorists and the implications of the attack do
    not reflect typical patterns. Investigators believe the
    operatives were in place for months or even years, blending in
    with local society and waiting patiently for the time of the
    attack. And unlike many suicide bombers, they were well-trained
    and educated.
    The success of the strikes in New York can be measured in many
    ways, from the attackers' point of view. First, the towers
    symbolized the financial might of the United States. More than
    that, their location in the heart of a multinational metropolis
    represented the global financial system. This is why the World
    Trade Center was the target of a 1993 bombing as well.
    Beyond symbolism, the sheer size of the towers and the number of
    people in and around them made them ideal targets for sowing fear
    in the United States.
    But the attacks are having an even deeper ripple effect: the
    temporary shutdown of the U.S. financial and transportation
    infrastructure. Trading on U.S. stock markets was delayed four
    days, and the residual financial repercussions reached well
    beyond the trading floor. Airline transportation was seriously
    disrupted. Talk of increased security, fewer passengers and
    reduced schedules and layoffs are circulating throughout the
    If the culprits did not fully anticipate these aftershocks, they
    can see them clearly now. This raises the possibility that those
    responsible may shift their sights away from pure terror targets
    -- such heavily populated buildings or sports stadiums -- toward
    vital infrastructure targets.
    If the goal of the attack was merely symbolic -- designed to
    terrorize Americans and invigorate Islamic militant forces around
    the globe -- secondary or tertiary cells in the United States may
    well emerge to strike other symbolic or populous civilian
    targets. This would stir social chaos, but it would not
    necessarily seriously impede the nation's ability to operate.
    Israel faces suicide bombings and civil unrest, Spain is racked
    with bombings and the United Kingdom deals with a troubled
    Northern Ireland, yet these states continue to function.
    Attacks on infrastructure would be much more disruptive, however.
    Whether intentionally or not, the Sept. 11 attacks have shaken
    air transportation in the United States and around the world for
    the foreseeable future. The targeting of infrastructure --
    bridges across the Mississippi and other major rivers, oil
    refineries, storage facilities and pipelines, ports and rail
    lines, telecommunications towers and energy grids -- could
    seriously destabilize the United States.
    Whether the groups related to the attackers pursue one or both of
    these courses will depend on their networks in the United States.
    The government is now coordinating a massive campaign to track
    down the people involved in or linked to the Sept. 11 attacks and
    other terrorist cells. The magnitude of the attacks and the scope
    of investigations suggests that a broader network of so-called
    "sleepers" -- terrorists who blend in with society for months or
    even years before being activated -- may well exist in the United
    The wide net being cast for all conceivable suspects related to
    this case and past or potential attacks raises the likelihood
    that members of these sleeper cells may well be picked up. If
    this occurs, it will be up to the handlers of those cells to
    determine if the group should remain secret, try to disperse or
    second-wave assault on the United States and its allies.
    unconventional methods used, the United States may be in for a
    sustained campaign on its own soil -- one that could aim at the
    very heart of the infrastructure networks across the nation.
    Kelley Walker
    Organizational Researcher/Technical Writer
    Interpact, Inc.
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