Re: [ISN] Alberta hackers find wireless networks wide open

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 23:24:45 PDT

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    Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried <listuserat_private>
    Actually when I did a quick wardrive of Edmonton I hit my first
    wireless LAN <2 minutes from starting (but it was wep enabled, which
    was good), unfortunately I found more like 75-80% were completely
    insecure, and the coolest thing is I was able to get a few hits on
    downtown 802.11 access points from across the river valley (so line of
    sight, but a good mile or so). I also tried "wardriving" just leaving
    my laptop in connect mode, i.e. not running netstumbler/etc, it
    connected succesfully to wlan AP's a dozen time or so while I was
    driving around (just need to convince more people to buy AP's so we
    can have free mobile inet =). Driving up and down calgary trail
    quickly also resulted in mass amounts of insecure wlans. Reminds me of
    driving home from calgary, I was bored so turned the laptop on, while
    doing 120 kph I was able to pick up two dozen wlan on highway 2 just
    coming out of calgary (didn't expect that).
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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