Re: [IWAR] MYTH AND LEGEND: way beyond MJ-12

From: Mark Hedges (hedgesat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 18 1998 - 14:30:28 PST

  • Next message: Dan S: "Re: [IWAR] MYTH AND LEGEND: way beyond MJ-12"

    Haven't we had this conversation before...? Anyhow, I was spammed with the
    CIA/Bionic Man rant many years ago by someone I didn't know. I suspect that
    doing an altavista search like:
      +"central intelligence agency" +bionic +"steve austin" +ufo mj12
            mj-12 alien propaganda
    might turn up something related.
    >..deja vu..Probably because it is fairly new and was accomplished by the film
    >"Clash of
    >the Titans," when Kalibos told the girl "A new Mystery for you" and then had
    >one of his minions hold up a sign containing strange characters and symbols
    >which made no sense, and said "When the time comes, you will remember."
    I find strange meaningless psychobabble symbols like that quite useful; I
    used to take notes in lecture by scrawling subconscious symbols in very
    ordered patterns. Pages upon pages of pure B.S. (but kind of spookily
    pretty). Thing was, when I looked back at the pages, I could remember the
    lecture, the content, and the meaning. It only worked for literature
    classes, though, not math! By "diving in" I'd like to consider myself
    slightly more resistant. Finnegan's Wake is good for that too...
    anti-memetic cryptography for the mind!
    There's a tome called "Codex Seraphinius" or "Codex Seraphinianius", or
    something similar. I think there are only 50 or so in existence. The
    author/illustrator almost completely disintegrated his sense of ... well,
    everything, really ... and catalogued a most bizarre alien world. My
    favorite part is the "fashion" section, where for about 40 pages he fills
    small boxes each with a headpiece, arm pieces...sort of...,
    boots...maybe..., and always a "mystery device".
    If anyone's seen the new Camel cigarette ads in Southern California and
    perhaps elsewhere, they can see that indeed, psychadelic imagery is quite
    useful for psyops. The billboards are totally tripped; it looks like the
    illustration team had a budget for LSD along with their graphics
    workstations and copies of Photoshop. Each one features the old-style Camel
    logo somehow warped into the image at the center. It's effective
    subconscious _branding_ of the logo, straight into the hide of the visual
    Cigarettes are difficult to resist, not only because of the advertising.
    They get into a mental space where I think they are evil/nice/good/
    horrid/disgusting/tasty/contenting/maddening all at the same time. It's
    self-reinforcing. Because I can't figure out the puzzle, and can't figure
    out why, though I know they cause lung cancer, I still smoke them, I think
    about them all the more. The more I think about them, the more likely it is
    I light one up. Then I get "rational", thinking "oh, well, one or two a day
    won't hurt." On and on and on... ack! (For those who don't follow the news
    here, cigarette smoking is now illegal in any public building in
    California, including bars!)
    Certainly, any advertisement which sets in one a puzzle or a mystery to be
    solved is extremely effective, if it opens the interested mind and then
    slips in the brand name or logo unnoticed.
    Mark Hedges
    Anonymizer, Inc.

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