[IWAR] MIDDLE EAST Mt. Sinai, psyops

From: 7Pillars Partners (partnersat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 25 1998 - 13:27:39 PST

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    Note the 'peace shield' usage of the site, a nice bit of psychological warfare.
    In Moses' footsteps?
     Book claims discovery of Mount Sinai
     (CNN) -- Among the central
     themes of the Old Testament is
     the story of Moses, the Ten
     Commandments and the Israelites
     exodus from slavery in Egypt. In a
     modern twist on this ancient tale,
     two Americans went to the
     Middle East in search of the
     fabled gold carried out of Egypt
     by the Israelites and discovered
     what they believe is Mount Sinai.
     CNN's Bobbie Battista talked
     with author Howard Blum about
     their claims, and his book "The
     Gold of Exodus: The Discovery
     of the Real Mt. Sinai." 
     Basically, what this is, is a story of
     two Americans who snuck their
     way into Saudi Arabia and then
     claimed to have found the real
     Mount Sinai. How did they do
     this and what did they find? 
     HOWARD BLUM: The two
     men sneak into Mount Sinai with
     a forged visa. Now, getting into
     Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia is a
     very complicated procedure
     because the Saudi government
     will not allow archaeologists in
     But these men are able to take
     this visa, to fly into Tabuk. They
     go to this town and then go off
     into the desert using the Bible as a
     treasure map, in effect. They get
     to the mountain known as Jabal al
     Lawz and they find all the
     elements the Bible says should be
     at Mount Sinai. 
     This includes a scorched peak, a
     cave where Moses would have
     slept, a brook that runs down the
     side, (and) a plain where a million
     Israelites could have been
     camped for the 13 months. 
     They also find petroglyphs, rock
     drawings of cows near an altar
     site. And cows are not native to
     Saudi Arabia, so many
     archaeologists have said that this
     is indicative of the Golden Calf
     BATTISTA: I need to play the devil's advocate because it does
     seem somewhat incredible that these two Americans, who are
     basically just adventurers with a lot of money, would manage to
     find this incredibly mysterious and historical Biblical site over any
     other Biblical archaeological team. I mean, how did they prove
     that this was the real Mount Sinai? 
     BLUM: You raise an important point and I should emphasize
     that these men are just adventurers; they are not scholars. But
     interestingly enough scholars have said that Jabal al Lawz, the
     mountain in northwest Saudi Arabia, is the best candidate to be
     Mount Sinai. 
     In this week's "Newsweek," Hershel Shanks, who is the editor
     of the "Biblical Archaeological Review," says that Jabal al Lawz
     is the most likely candidate to be Mount Sinai. 
     But what do we need next? We now need to have scholars go to
     the site to see everything these men have found, to see the
     important and provocative evidence they find and let's apply
     scientific testing to these petroglyphs, to the mountain sites. 
     BATTISTA: We should also note that the real Mount Sinai,
     should it turn out to be that, is currently a top secret Saudi
     military installment, isn't it? 
     BLUM: Yes. These two men get to Mount Sinai, they find all
     the Biblical evidence and they find something else. This mountain
     is a Saudi military installation. It is a military installation built with
     the knowledge of the U.S. Congress and with the help of
     American industry. It cost the Saudis $5.6 billion to build a
     peace-shield system which surrounds the kingdom. And this
     mountain is site and fore of the peace-shield system. On top of it
     are two 30-foot radar towers that look towards Israel. 
     This means that if there were ever to be a war between Saudi
     Arabia and the State of Israel, war would be coordinated, in
     part, from the radar towers on Mount Sinai and the state of
     Israel would have no choice but to attack the installation on what
     many scholars believe is Mount Sinai. 
     BATTISTA: How much attention is this discovery getting from
     the scientific community? 
     BLUM: I think a great deal. There has been a dream team
     compiled of scholars and archaeologists. Men from Harvard,
     Johns Hopkins and the "Archaeological Review" who want to go
     to Saudi Arabia, who have appealed to the kingdom to let us in
     and let us examine the sites. 
     It, of course, is complicated by the situation in the Gulf and the
     fact that this is a military base. Just last week, Secretary of
     Defense Cohen was going to appeal to the Saudi's to use their
     facilities and he didn't even ask -- he decided not to ask them to
     use these facilities. Part of the facilities he wanted to use were the
     peace-shield radar installations that are on top of Mount Sinai. 
     BATTISTA: ... What are the implications, should this turn out to
     be true, for the current dynamics in the Middle East? 
     BLUM: Well, it certainly complicates them a great deal. If what
     these two men have found is the real Mount Sinai, then it goes a
     long way to proving that the Bible is a true story that is based on
     historical events and Jabal al Lawz, a mountain in northwest
     Saudi Arabia, becomes perhaps the holiest spot in the world.
     And it would be very difficult, I think, for the Saudi government
     to keep it closed to pilgrims from all over the world. That will
     certainly complicate matters in the Mideast. 
     BATTISTA: All right, Howard Blum, thanks very much for
     joining us this morning.

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