Soviet Union reportedly had 100 nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962 Copyright 1998 Copyright 1998 Reuters News Service MIAMI (May 3, 1998 1:50 p.m. EDT - The Soviet Union sneaked about 100 small nuclear weapons into Cuba at the time of the 1962 missile crisis, a fact U.S. intelligence was unaware of for 30 years, the Miami Herald reported Sunday. The newspaper also said that Cuban President Fidel Castro had wanted to keep the tactical weapons even after the crisis, and that Moscow initially agreed to train Cubans in their use. But it said Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev ordered the weapons to be removed, reacting cautiously after Castro urged him to launch strategic nuclear missiles against the United States at the height of the U.S.-Soviet standoff. Citing documents found by Western and Russian researchers in once-secret Soviet archives, the newspaper said the last of the tactical warheads were reportedly returned to the Soviet Union in December 1962. "In retrospect, it shows the crisis was more dangerous than thought," George Washington University Professor Jim Hershberg, an expert on the crisis, told the newspaper. "If we had invaded Cuba, and they had used some of these weapons, it would have been awful."
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