[IWAR] natural harmonies and peace

From: Mark Hedges (hedgesat_private)
Date: Sun May 03 1998 - 23:27:56 PDT

  • Next message: Daniel Roberts: "Re: [IWAR] natural harmonies and peace"

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    At small sizes, particles behave like waves. These waves assume certain
    harmonies to stay stable and to interact. At cosmos scales, too, waves
    interact, and the stars and galaxies assume harmonic patterns. Sometimes,
    all these patterns change extremely rapidly and release tremendous
    destructive and creative energy.
    At our human scale, too, wave harmonies connect interactions: Migrations,
    information systems, meme-constructs, weather, the sea.
    Blowing up cities is out of tune. That is not creative energy.
    We appear to be able to choose a course of action, and appear to differ
    from other natural phenomena in that regard.
    If you fill a room with humans, and ask them to try to hum the same note,
    it's usually e flat. Sometimes b flat. This seems to be true regardless of
    their finances, nationality, or creed.
    Together, if we learn to sing, we could build upon eternal harmonies so
    deeply strong, they unite all people, rather than divide and conquer as has
    been our past to date. The music is already there, like fractals in plants.
    We choose to listen and to sing.
    - --mark--
    - -hedges-
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