Dear RRE Subscribers, I would greatly appreciate if you would forward this announcement to everyone you know who is a student or faculty member in a PhD program. "Networking on the Network" is a free 120-page guide to professional skills for PhD students. It explains in great detail how to speak at a conference, build a community around your research topic, write a dissertation, get a job, advise others, and become a leader in your field. Professional networking cannot substitute for good research, but good research cannot substitute for networking either. Networking and research go together, and "Networking on the Network" explains analytically and ethically just how. It also includes an extensive bibliography. It is available on the Web: Many of you have seen earlier versions of "Networking on the Network". The new version, however, includes about fifty pages of additional material, especially in the more analytical sections toward the end. This material should be taught in PhD programs, and too many people fail because they do not understand it. "Networking on the Network" sets out to solve this problem, and I hope you will pass it along to anyone who can use it. Thanks very much Phil Agre
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