Re: Linux inetd..

From: G P R (routeat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 23:20:10 PST

  • Next message: Duck Vader: "Sendmail quirks"

    | Description:
    |   I've found that inetd on (*atleast*) Debian distribution of LiNUX crashes
    |   when port 13 (daytime) / port 37 (time) is "half-open scanned"..
        This sounds a lot like the antiquated SYN, RST DoS problem older Linux
        inetds were vulnerable to.  Send a SYN to an internal service, and
        immediately follow it up with a RST packet.  inetd would become unstable
        and die after the next connection.
    |   I'm not skilled enough to write the code-piece for you to test this out,
    |   but most of the new portscanner include this type of scanning method.
    |   (scantcp 1.32, sirc, etc.)
        Phrack 49-07, the `Vengeance` module.
        Be warned.  It is ugly, ugly code.  At any rate, I was led to believe
        that this problem was fixed ages ago in some netkit rev that escapes me.
            temptation is worthless, suffering is the coin of the realm

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