Re: L0pht Advisory MSIE4.0(1)

From: Linus Nordberg (nordbelmat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 14:45:25 PST

  • Next message: John Goerzen: "Re: Xserver stack smashed -- wrapper"

    DilDog <dildogat_private> writes:
    >       Document:  L0pht Security Advisory
    >     URL Origin:
    >   Release Date:  January 14th, 1998
    >    Application:  Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0(1) Suite
    >       Severity:  Viewing remote HTML content can execute arbitrary native code
    >         Author:  dildogat_private
    >  Operating Sys:  Windows 95 and Windows NT
    buffer overflows comes to redmond...
    especially interresting when the msie code is used in almost every
    application nowadays.
    below is a program that tries to find out what file is downloaded and
    executed. paste the vicous url into a file and give the filename as
    only argument or cat it in on stdin.
    yes, it's kind of lame. i know that.
     * whaturl.c
     * prints the url that the l0pht msie-overflow is downloading by
     * doing bytewise XOR on the "exploit url", using some magic values
     * it tries to find in the url.
     * see for details on the exploit.
     * this program is easily fooled by anyone that crafts its own
     * urls, but a fair guess is that most of us are too lazy/lame to do
     * that.
     * --linus
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MY_EOS (0)
    /* signum for finding the magic value to XOR with */
    unsigned char signum[] =
    {0x80, 0x01, MY_EOS};           /* add b,[ecx],? */
    int matchsignum(char c)
            static char *cp = signum;
            if (*cp == c) {
                    if (*++cp == MY_EOS)
                            return 1;
            } else
                    cp = signum;
            return 0;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
            int sigfound, ixor, bread, i, j;
            unsigned char xorval[64], inbuf[0xffff], *cp;
            FILE *fin = NULL;
            if (argc)
                    fin = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
            if (fin == NULL)
                    fin = stdin;
            bread = fread(inbuf, sizeof(*inbuf), sizeof(inbuf), fin);
            if (!feof(fin))
                    return 1;
            /* find possible XOR-values */
            sigfound = ixor = 0;
            for (i = 0, cp = inbuf; i < bread; i++, cp++) {
                    if (sigfound) {
                            for (j = 0; j < ixor; j++)
                                    if (*cp == xorval[j])
                            if (*cp != xorval[j])
                                    xorval[ixor++] = *cp;
                            sigfound = 0;
                    } else
                            sigfound = matchsignum(*cp);
            if (!ixor) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "%s: signum not found, trying 0x80\n", argv[0]);
                    ixor = 1;
                    xorval[0] = 0x80;
            /* todo: where does the url start? for now, print the lot. */
            while (ixor--) {
                    printf("%s: xorval %#02x -->\n", argv[0], xorval[ixor]);
                    for (i = 0, cp = inbuf; i < bread; i++, cp++)
                            putchar(*cp ^ xorval[ixor]);
            return 0;

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