Re: DoS attack: apache (& other) .htaccess Authentication

From: Tim Newsham (newshamat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 10:22:07 PST

  • Next message: Micha³ Zalewski: "GCC 2.7.? /tmp files"

    > If you're now trying to open this directory (or any file within)
    > and enter any user / password combination, you'll get a
    > hanging (death running) client. This is, because it's reading
    > /dev/zero and searches for a colon (':') to separate
    > the user name from the password field (mod_auth.c, get_pw(), line 127).
    > Because also other authentication methods may be exploitable
    > I would prefer to patch it in a way that it's no longer be
    > available to open /dev/zero (or any other device) for reading,
    > so I patched fpopen() in alloc.c:
    perhaps you should stat the file and make sure its a normal file?
    There may be other device files which cause problems by virtue
    of having lots of data, or by blocking for long periods of time.
    For example a blocking read on a dialup device that waits for
    carrier sense on a modem.  Is there any reason to allow device
    files to be read from the config?
    This may not stop all possible attacks.  Normal files might be
    used to indefinitely block the daemon.  For example some systems
    allow regular users to make NFS mounts.  In this case an NFS
    server can be brought up, mounted, then brought down.  The
    httpd reading an nfs mounted file would then block for a long
    period of time while NFS times out.  The same result can be
    achieved by performing a denial of service attack against an already
    existing NFS mount.
    Are there other ways to cause long blocking times when reading
    normal files?  Do any common unix systems have mandatory file locking?
    >         Jan Wedekind
    > UUNET Deutschland GmbH            private: janat_private
                                               Tim N.

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