Re: imapd/ipop3d coredump in slackware 3.4

From: Peter van Dijk (peterat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 01 1998 - 17:51:26 PST

  • Next message: d00msterat_private: "AT&T crowds project"

    On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, Peter van Dijk wrote:
    > [attic bug report nr. 1]
    > While fooling around a little with NIS/YP (didn't get it completely
    > working...) I ran into a bug in the imapd and ipop3d that come with
    > slackware 3.4 (if you install the pine package).
    > Earlier slackware versions will problably NOT suffer from this bug,
    > because they did not include shadowing.
    > When fed an unknown username, imapd and ipop3d will dump core:
    I just got an answer from Patrick Volkerding [maintainer of Slackware].
    He'll take the patch out and put a repaired package on the ftp site.

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