AT&T crowds project

From: d00msterat_private
Date: Mon Feb 02 1998 - 11:35:05 PST

  • Next message: raf@licj..... (Bugtraq Mirror): "Re: imapd/ipop3d coredump in slackware 3.4"

    Greeting Aleph One
    Greetings people
    For whom this could interest:
    "Crowds is a new system for protecting your anonymity while you browse
    the web.  We have recently obtained a release for the code from AT&T
    and have been testing the system with a handful of volunteers.
    Thanks to their efforts, we now feel more prepared to support a larger
    user community.
    So, if you are interested in browsing the web with better anonymity
    than the Anonymizer, check out
    There are two steps. The first is obtaining the code. After you accept
    the license agreement, expect a 24 hour turnaround to receive the code
    by e-mail. Second, if you would like to join our crowd, fill out the
    registration page, and expect 24 hours before you are admitted. (These
    steps can proceed in parallel.)
    The system requires Perl 5.003 or higher, and has been tested on
    SunOS, Solaris, and Irix.  Our next target is Linux.
    - Mike Reiter and Avi Rubin"
    Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

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